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Results Center

Landis+Gyr is a leading global provider of integrated energy management solutions. We measure and analyze energy utilization to generate empowering analytics for smart grid and infrastructure management, enabling utilities and consumers to reduce energy consumption. Our innovative and proven portfolio of software, services and intelligent sensor technology is a key driver to decarbonize the grid. Having avoided about 9 million tons of CO2 in FY 2023, Landis+Gyr manages energy better – since 1896. With sales of USD 2.0 billion in FY 2023, Landis+Gyr employs around 6,900 talented people across five continents.

Financial Results 2023

Press Release
EN – May 8, 2024 – Landis+Gyr Announces FY 2023 Financial Results (PDF)
DE – 8. Mai 2024 – Landis+Gyr veröffentlicht Ergebnisse für das Geschäftsjahr 2023 (PDF)

Annual Report
Annual Report 2023, Full Version (Web)
Annual Report 2023, Full Version (PDF)
Performance Report (PDF)
Corporate Governance Report (PDF)
Remuneration Report (PDF)
Financial Report (PDF)
Sustainability Report (PDF)

FY 2023 Investor Presentation (PDF)
Key financial tables (PDF)

Investor/analyst webcast and conference call
Replay Webcast: Link
Playback of the FY 2023 Analyst Call (MP3)

Key Figures

(in USD million) FY 2023 FY 2022 FY 2021 FY 2020 FY 2019 FY 2018 FY 2017 FY 2016
Committed Backlog 3,769 3,749 3,389 2,166 2,224 2,603 2,389 2,491
Net revenue 1963 1681.4 1464 1357.4 1699 1765.2 1737.8 1659.2
Reported EBITDA 216.8 133.2 170.3 113.7 225.3 251.1 141.3 150.8
Adjusted EBITDA 223.9 139.9 147.0 139.6 237.2 237.9 208.2 212.0
Adj. EBITDA margin 11.4% 8.3% 10.0% 10.3% 14.0% 13.5% 12.0% 12.8%
Net income/(loss) 110.0 207.9 79.4 -392.4 113.7 122.2 46.4 -62.1
Earning per share (in USD) 3.78 7.32 2.59 -13.61 3.90 4.15 1.57 -2.12
Free Cash Flow (excl. M&A) 91.1 -22.0 89.0 97.6 120.4 123.5 87.5 53.1
Dividend per share (CHF) 2.25 2.20 2.15 2.10 2.00 3.15 2.30
Employees (FTE) 6,874 7,750 6,445 5,071 5,768 5,648 5,915 5,919

Half Year Results 2023

Press Release
EN – October 25, 2023 – Landis+Gyr Announces First Half FY 2023 Financial Results (PDF)
DE – 25. Oktober 2023 – Landis+Gyr veröffentlicht Ergebnisse des 1. Halbjahres des Geschäftsjahres 2023 (PDF)

Half Year FY 2023 Investor Presentation (PDF)

Half Year Report
Half Year Report 2023 (PDF)

Investor/analyst webcast and conference call
Playback of the H1 2023 Analyst Call (MP3)

Key Figures

Key Figures (in USD million) H1 FY2023 H1 FY2022 H1 FY2021 H1 FY2020 H1 FY2019 H1 FY2018
Committed Backlog 3,730.5 3,480 3,236 2,081 2,514 2,348
Net revenue 970.5 728.7 700.9 623.5 862.8 852.9
Reported EBITDA 99.8 51.0 86.2 31.8 128.2 114.9
Adjusted EBITDA 108.1 47.8 70.8 50.1 124.9 106.8
Net income/(loss) 41.2 186.5 35.0 (2.0) 71.8 59.2
Earning per share (in USD) 1.43 6.57 1.21 (0.07) 2.45 2.01
Free Cashflow (excl. M&A) 5.1 (38.9) 41.6 45.3 33.1 14.1

Financial Results 2022

Press Release
EN – May 2, 2023 – Landis+Gyr Announces FY 2022 Financial Results and Changes to the Board of Directors
DE – 2 Mai 2023 – Landis+Gyr gibt Ergebnisse für das Geschäftsjahr 2022 und Veränderungen im Verwaltungsrat bekannt

Annual Report
Annual Report 2022, Full Version (Web)
Annual Report 2022, Full Version (PDF)
Performance Report (PDF)
Corporate Governance Report (PDF)
Remuneration Report (PDF)
Financial Report (PDF)
Sustainability Report (PDF)

Full Year FY 2022 Earnings Presentation
FY 2022 Financial Tables

Investor/analyst webcast and conference call
Playback of the 2022 Analyst Conference Call (MP3)

Key Figures

Key figures (in USD million) FY 2022 FY 2021 FY 2020 FY 2019 FY 2018 FY 2017 FY 2016
Committed Backlog 3,749 3,389 2,166 2,224 2,603 2,389 2,491
Net revenue 1,681.4 1,464.0 1,357 1,699 1,765.2 1,737.8 1,659.2
Reported EBITDA 133.2 170.3 113.7 225.3 251.1 141.3 150.8
Adjusted EBITDA 139.9 147.0 139.6 237.2 237.9 208.2 212.0
Net income/(loss) 207.9 79.4 (392.4) 113.7 122.2 46.4 (62.1)
Earning per share (in USD) 7.32 2.59 (13.61) 3.90 4.15 1.57 (2.12)
Free Cash Flow (excl. M&A) (22.0) 89.0 97.6 120.4 123.5 87.5 53.1
Dividend per share (CHF) 2.20 2.15 2.10 2.00 3.15 2.30
Employees (FTE) 7,750 6,445 5,071 5,768 5,648 5,915 5,919

Half Year Results 2022

Press Release
EN –October 27, 2022 – Landis+Gyr Announces First Half FY 2022 Financial Results (PDF)
DE – 27. Oktober 2022 – Landis+Gyr veröffentlicht Ergebnisse des 1. Halbjahres des Geschäftsjahres 2022 (PDF)

Half Year FY 2022 Investor Presentation

Half Year Report
Half Year Report 2022

Key Figures

Key Figures (in USD million) H1 FY2022 H1 FY2021 H1 FY2020 H1 FY2019 H1 FY2018
Committed Backlog 3,480 3,236 2,081 2,514 2,348
Net revenue 728.7 700.9 623.5 862.8 852.9
Reported EBITDA 51.0 86.2 31.8 128.2 114.9
Adjusted EBITDA 47.8 70.8 50.1 124.9 106.8
Net income/(loss) 186.5 35.0 (2.0) 71.8 59.2
Earning per share (in USD) 6.57 1.21 (0.07) 2.45 2.01
Free Cashflow (excl. M&A) (38.9) 41.6 45.3 33.1 14.1

Financial Results 2021

Press Release
EN – May 5, 2022 – Landis+Gyr Announces FY 2021 Financial Results
DE – 5. Mai 2022 – Landis+Gyr veröffentlicht Ergebnisse für das Geschäftsjahr 2021

Annual Report
Annual Report 2021, Full Version (Web)
Annual Report 2021, Full Version (PDF)
Performance Report (PDF)
Corporate Governance Report (PDF)
Remuneration Report (PDF)
Financial Report (PDF)
Sustainability Report (PDF)

Full Year FY 2021 Earnings Presentation
FY 2021 Financial Tables

Analyst Conference Call
Replay of Webcast
Playback of the 2021 Analyst Conference Call (MP3)

Key Figures

Key figures (in USD million) FY 2021 FY 2020 FY 2019 FY 2018 FY 2017 FY 2016
Committed Backlog 3,389 2,166 2,224 2,603 2,389 2,491
Net revenue 1,464.0 1,357 1,699 1,765.2 1,737.8 1,659.2
Reported EBITDA 170.3 113.7 225.3 251.1 141.3 150.8
Adjusted EBITDA 147.0 139.6 237.2 237.9 208.2 212.0
Net income/(loss) 79.4 (392.4) 113.7 122.2 46.4 (62.1)
Earning per share (in USD) 2.59 (13.61) 3.90 4.15 1.57 (2.12)
Free Cash Flow (excl. M&A) 89.0 97.6 120.4 123.5 87.5 53.1
Dividend per share (CHF) 2.15 2.10 2.00 3.15 2.30
Employees (FTE) 6,445 5,071 5,768 5,648 5,915 5,919

Half Year Results 2021

Press Release
EN – October 28, 2021 – Landis+Gyr Announces First Half FY 2021 Financial Results
DE – 28. Oktober 2021 – Landis+Gyr veröffentlicht Ergebnisse des 1. Halbjahres des Geschäftsjahres 2021

Half Year FY 2021 Investor Presentation

Half Year Report
Half Year Report 2021

Webcast and Conference Call for Analysts
Playback of the FY 2021 Analyst Conference Call (MP3)

Key Figures

Key Figures (in USD million) H1 FY2021 H1 FY2020 H1 FY2019 H1 FY2018
Committed Backlog 3,236 2,081 2,514 2,348
Net revenue 700.9 623.5 862.8 852.9
Reported EBITDA 86.2 31.8 128.2 114.9
Adjusted EBITDA 70.8 50.1 124.9 106.8
Net income/(loss) 35.0 (2.0) 71.8 59.2
Earning per share (in USD) 1.21 (0.07) 2.45 2.01
Free Cashflow (excl. M&A) 41.6 45.3 33.1 14.1



Financial Results 2020

Press Release
EN – May 5, 2021 – Landis+Gyr Announces FY 2020 Financial Results
DE – 5. Mai 2021 – Landis+Gyr veröffentlicht Ergebnisse für das Geschäftsjahr 2020

Annual Report
Annual Report 2020, Full Version (Web)
Annual Report 2020, Full Version (PDF)
Performance Report (PDF)
Corporate Governance Report (PDF)
Remuneration Report (PDF)
Financial Report (PDF)

Full Year FY 2020 Earnings Presentation
FY 2020 Financial Tables

Analyst Conference Call
Playback of the FY 2020 Analyst Conference Call (MP3)

Key Figures

Key figures (in USD million) FY 2020 FY 2019 FY 2018 FY 2017 FY 2016
Committed Backlog 2,166 2,224 2,603 2,389 2,491
Net revenue 1,357 1,699 1,765.2 1,737.8 1,659.2
Reported EBITDA 113.7 225.3 251.1 141.3 150.8
Adjusted EBITDA 139.6 237.2 237.9 208.2 212.0
Net income/(loss) (392.4) 113.7 122.2 46.4 (62.1)
Earning per share (in USD) (13.61) 3.90 4.15 1.57 (2.12)
Free Cash Flow (excl. M&A) 97.6 120.4 123.5 87.5 53.1
Dividend per share (CHF) 2.10 2.00 3.15 2.30
Employees (FTE) 5,071 5,768 5,648 5,915 5,919


Half Year Results 2020

Press Release
EN – October 28, 2020, Landis+Gyr Announces First Half FY 2020 Financial Results
DE – 28. Oktober 2020, Landis+Gyr veröffentlicht Ergebnisse des 1. Halbjahres des Geschäftsjahres 2020

Half Year FY 2020 Investor Presentation

Half Year Report
Half Year Report 2020

Webcast and Conference Call for Analysts
Playback of the H1 FY2020 Analyst Conference Call (MP3)  – Click to listen

Key Figures

Key figures (in USD million) H1 FY2020 H1 FY2019 H2 FY2018
Committed Backlog 2,081 2,514 2,603
Net revenue 623.5 862.8 912.2
Reported EBITDA 31.8 128.2 136.2
Adjusted EBITDA 50.1 124.9 131.1
Net income/(loss) (2.0) 71.8 63.0
Earning per share (in USD) (0.07) 2.45 2.14
Free Cash Flow (excl. M&A) 45.3 33.1 109.3


Financial Results 2019

Press Release
EN – May 6, 2020 – Landis+Gyr Announces FY 2019 Financial Results
DE – 6. Mai 2020 – Landis+Gyr veröffentlicht Ergebnisse für das Geschäftsjahr 2019

Annual Report
Annual Report 2019, Full Version (Web)
Annual Report 2019, Full Version (PDF)
Performance Report (PDF)
Corporate Governance (PDF)
Remuneration Report (PDF)
Financial Report (PDF)

Financial year 2019 Analyst Presentation
FY2019 Financial Tables

Analyst Conference Call
Playback of the FY2019 Analyst Conference Call (MP3)  – Click to listen

Key Figures

Key figures (in USD million) FY 2019 FY 2018 FY 2017 FY 2016
Committed Backlog 2,224 2,603 2,389 2,491
Net revenue 1,699 1,765.2 1,737.8 1,659.2
Reported EBITDA 225.3 251.1 141.3 150.8
Adjusted EBITDA 237.2 237.9 208.2 212.0
Net income/(loss) 113.7 122.2 46.4 (62.1)
Earning per share (in USD) 3.90 4.15 1.57 (2.12)
Free Cash Flow (excl. M&A) 120.4 123.5 87.5 53.1
Dividend per share (CHF) 2.00 3.15 2.30
Employees (FTE) 5,768 5,648 5,915 5,919

Half Year Results 2019

Press Release
EN – October 29, 2019, Landis+Gyr Announces First Half FY 2019 Financial Results
DE – 29.Oktober 2019, Landis+Gyr veröffentlicht Ergebnisse des 1. Halbjahres des Geschäftsjahres 2019

Half Year FY 2019 Investor Presentation

Half Year Report
Half Year Report 2019

Analyst Conference Call
Playback of the Analyst Conference Call on Half Year Results 2019 (MP3, 17MB)

Key Figures

Key figures (in USD million) H1 FY2019 H2 FY2018 H1 FY2018
Committed Backlog 2,514 2,603 2,348
Net revenue 862.8 912.2 852.9
Reported EBITDA 128.2 136.2 114.9
Adjusted EBITDA 124.9 131.1 106.8
Net income/(loss) 71.8 63.0 59.2
Earning per share (in USD) 2.45 2.14 2.01
Free Cash Flow (excl. M&A) 33.1 109.3 14.1

Financial Results 2018

Press Release

Annual Report


Analyst and Media Conference Call

Key Figures

Key figures (in USD million) FY 2018 FY 2017 FY 2016 FY 2015
Committed Backlog 2,603 2,389 2,491 2,888
Net revenue 1,765.2 1,737.8 1,659.2 1,573.5
Reported EBITDA 251.1 141.3 150.8 160.0
Adjusted EBITDA 237.9 208.2 212.0 221.0
Net income/(loss) 122.2 46.4 (62.1) (13.5)
Earning per share (in USD) 4.15 1.57 (2.12) (0.46)
Free Cash Flow (excl. M&A) 123.5 87.5 53.1 84.6
Dividend per share (CHF) 3.15 2.30
Employees (FTE) 5,648 5,915 5,919 6,001

Half Year Results 2018

Press Release


Half Year Report

Analyst and Media Conference Call

Key Figures

Key figures (in USD million) H1 FY2018 H2 FY2017 H1 FY2017
Committed Backlog 2,348 2,389 2,479
Net revenue 852.9 872.2 865.6
Reported EBITDA 114.9 102.0 40.8
Adjusted EBITDA 106.8 103.3 106.5
Net income/(loss) 59.2 41.3 5.1
Earning per share (in USD) 2.01 1.40 0.17
Free Cash Flow (excl. M&A) 14.1 66.9 20.6

Financial Results 2017

Press Release

EN – June 5, 2018, Landis+Gyr Announces FY 2017 Financial Results
DE – 5. Juni 2018, Landis+Gyr veröffentlicht Ergebnisse für das Geschäftsjahr 2017

Financial Year 2017 Analyst Presentation

Annual Report
Annual Report 2017, Full Version (web)
Annual Report 2017, Full Version (PDF, 10 MB)
Performance Report (PDF, 7 MB)
Corporate Governance (PDF, 4 MB)
Remuneration Report (PDF, 4 MB)
Financial Report (PDF, 4 MB)

Analyst Meeting and Conference Call

Playback of the FY 2017 Analyst Meeting and Conference Call (MP3, 20 MB)

Key Figures

 (in USD million) FY 2017 FY 2016 FY 2015
Committed Backlog 2,389 2,491 2,888
Net revenue 1,737.8 1,659.2 1,573.5
Reported EBITDA 141.3 150.8 160.0
Adjusted EBITDA 208.2 212.0 221.0
Net income/(loss) 46.4 (62.1) (13.5)
Earning per share (in USD) 1.57 (2.12) (0.46)
Free Cash Flow (excl. M&A) 87.5 53.1 84.6
Dividend per share (CHF) 2.30
Employees (FTE) 5,915 5,919 6,001

Half Year Results 2017

Press Release


Half Year Report

Analyst and Media Conference Call

Key Figures

Key figures (in USD million) H1 FY2017 H2 FY2016 H1 FY2016
Committed Backlog 2,479 2,491 2,699
Net revenue 865.6 871.8 787.5
Reported EBITDA 40.8 83.7 67.1
Adjusted EBITDA 106.5 115.7 96.3
Net income/(loss) 5.1 (49.6) (13.0)
Earning per share (in USD) 0.17 (1.68) (0.44)
Free Cash Flow (excl. M&A) 20.6 74.5 (21.4)

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